Just imagine one afternoon during blistery winter day here in Kansas City and out of the blue I got this phone call from a bride asking if I can shoot her wedding in Los Angeles. Hmmm...was this an excuse I'd been looking for to get out and to escape Kansas cold weather, at least temporarily?
But it turned out I didn't need an excuse at all, had Los Angeles been a colder place than Kansas City I'd have still gone to shoot Oli and Ben's wedding for they're one of the most loving, kind-hearted people that I've ever known.
Since their wedding was on Sunday I arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon. After a quick introduction, after all this was our first meeting ever, we went out to shoot their engagement portrait with barely enough day-light left.
Here are some of the photos that I took of them.
From their engagement photo shoot

Sweet moment...

Who said Asian can't jump? :)

Ben's watching Oli getting ready. Guys only take like 5 minutes to get ready for their wedding, right guys? :)

Oli's having a good time...

Oli's dad taking a little siesta. It's going to be a long and fun day so everybody needed an extra rest here and there :)

Ben's scrambling...

From the tea ceremony.

Last minute touch up on the way to the wedding

Oh no!!! Broken heel. But Ben with all his coolness, and a little help from Krazy Glue, fixed it for Oli. All is well now.

Just beautiful.

Pay no attention to the people behind the curtain :)
Oli and Ben nervously waiting to be announced.

The blessing by families and friends

Oli and Ben always do things together ;)

beautiful venue, Cafe Santorini in Pasadena, where they had their wedding and reception.

Oli and Ben, it's truly a blessing and honor for me to be part of your special day.
Much love.
David Tsai Tjiptogarsono
Labels: Wedding